Monday, May 9, 2011


Alright, it's official! The semester is over and I'm all moved home for the summer. And I now have time to blog.

I'm so glad to be finished with school. I have quite the list of projects I've been wanted to do and am so excited to get started on some of them. These are things that I've been planning to do for months but just haven't had the time to do any of them because of school. This list of mine includes quite a few books, some sewing projects, some photography projects, and a lot of time at the pool ( when it warms up of course). The big one is re-doing my bedroom. Yes I know come August, I won't be living here anymore and it won't matter, but the last time any effort was put into my bedroom was when I was twelve. And it was a cute room for a twelve year old girl, but i believe it's time update. Then when I move back to school, it can be a nice classy guest room.

I've already started painting my room, but there is still a lot more to get done. I want to get it finished as fast as I can so I can have time to actually enjoy the finished product while I'm home. So that has made it's way to the top of my project list. I will post some pictures of the finished product.

That's all for now.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


HAPPY NEW YEAR!  I can't believe it is 2011!! What in the world? Where did that come from?  Well 2010 was a great year, and I can't wait to see what 2011 has in store for me.  I know I'm a little  behind but I have a list of some resolutions.  Here goes nothing.

  • Be a better person
  • Apply myself in school...(this means I'm doing the whole reading the book, sitting on the front row, and participating stuff.....scary)
  • Pick a major ( even scarier!)
  • Be more outgoing and friendly to people I don't know
  • Do my visiting teaching every month
  • Go to the gym regularly.........yup 
Oh boy here comes the big one...
  • Train for a half marathon
I am hesitant to put that last one on here.  Why you ask? Because putting it on the list for the public to view (meaning my two trusty followers), means that I now have to do it.  And that my friends is a scary thought.  There is a race in June, on my mom's birthday and she wants the whole family to do it for her birthday.  I'm not much of a runner, I'm terrible at it and don't enjoy it.  But I decided that I'm going to try to like it.  I'm going to force myself to enjoy it and I'm going to do the race!